Wheelgate House School Prospectus
Dear Parent,
Wheelgate House School, a fully registered independent school, welcomes you.
We are a small school committed to catering for your child's individual needs. We are situated in a lovely rural setting which provides many extra-curricular opportunities. Our philosophy is based on a family approach proven to help children to achieve their full potential.
The School is led by the Principal, Gail Wilson, who heads a strong team of skilled and experienced staff who devote a great amount of time and commitment to every pupil.
The School has an excellent record of academic achievement, with our children being highly successful in gaining entrance to their chosen secondary schools.
We welcome parental interest and invite you to join our lively PTA so that you may be involved in the schools development. Parents are invited to a variety of functions throughout the school year, including Speech Day, plays, carol services, Sports Day, Harvest Festival and our annual Ball.
All children begin Nursery school with a variety of experiences and learning. It is our privilege to take on the challenging task of building upon that learning.
Our Nursery class caters for two to four and a half years of age. The unit is run by qualified and experienced staff. It aims to provide a broad and balanced range of experiences in order for each child to develop emotionally, socially, intellectually and physically. The youngest of our children start to develop early learning skills in our nursery class through a structured daily routine. Children move into the Pre-prep. class in their fourth year, at the appropriate time for the individual child. Our aim is to promote confidence and independence in these young children and to introduce them to a more formal education. Our Prep. Class continues to use traditional teaching methods to cover a comprehensive timetable. We incorporate the National Curriculum in our syllabus, so that children can slot back into the state system at 11 years if you so wish. However, pupils follow the syllabus for the Common Entrance Exam, also taking into account the Cornish Independent Schools' entry examination. The Curriculum At Wheelgate House we aim to provide a stimulating atmosphere which will enable children to develop their potential in a safe and caring environment. We aim to develop happy, confident and sociable children who can communicate freely, whilst being aware of the needs of others. We want our children to become independent learners with a desire to find out more.
Our staff are there to provide a caring and positive environment for these early stages. At this age learning is a process best acquired through play activities and these are plentiful in the classroom. It is through such structured play and exploration that children practice and consolidate learning and develop new ideas. In their play children learn to negotiate, solve problems, initiate, anticipate, rearrange and integrate their knowledge and understanding.
During each session the children are given time to enable this free expression, play and a more structured time during which pre-reading skills, early numeracy, writing and listening skills are encouraged through a progressive series of activities and worksheets. All children are given the opportunity to experience a variety of stories, songs and rhymes, they all have music and movement classes and Physical Education, thus laying the basis for language development, logical thought and confidence building.
Everything in the nursery environment is designed to promote learning at a pace appropriate to each individual child.
Children are our collective future and the foundations for that future are set in the first years of education in the Nursery class.
   The Pre-Prep
Experts recognise the importance of a child's early experiences and we at Wheelgate House School know that a lively interest in, and interaction with, each child is of paramount importance. Children learn best when they are mentally and physically involved.
A small Pre-prep. group such as ours enables the teacher and assistant to know and understand each child, to recognise strengths and weakness, to build upon these and to teach in a way that is suitable for the individual child. When the children enter into the Pre-prep. class they are given sufficient time to adjust to the more structured nature of the classroom situation. The children will learn through good personal experiences and by being taught by experienced and dedicated adults. We place a great emphasis on reading, writing, spelling and mathematics. However the children will also experience Science, Music, History, Geography, Design Technology, Information Technology (computers and the Internet), Games and Physical Education and a multicultural approach to Religious Education.
We aim to encourage and stimulate children in a happy and caring classroom setting, resulting in confident, able and independent learners. Due to the small group size we are able to spend a lot of good quality time with the children striving towards excellence.
    The Prep Class
The class numbers are kept low to ensure a friendly yet disciplined atmosphere and individual attention. This enables the children to grow in confidence, develop individual skills, develop interest and achieve their full academic potential whilst enjoying childhood.
Our fully qualified and experienced teachers and classroom assistants, encourage our pupils to work as hard as they are able, giving sustained concentration to the task in hand, to be sociable, responsible and self disciplined.
The children in our school will be given many "hands on" experiences. They need to be able to be curious, to investigate, to question, to have the attention of a listening and interested adult and they need to be able to repeat experiences.
Our curriculum takes into consideration the very different experiences the children bring with them and the varying range of concentration, ability and enthusiasm. A wide range of support activities are available within the classroom. Quality play experiences must be available for the younger members of our school because through play, children learn about themselves and the world. We must provide equality of choice, especially at that young age, where there are important influences about gender roles.
We need to provide equal opportunity for all, which may mean additional help for those children with special needs however we decide to specify this label, be it by academic or physical development or social disability.
A full written report is sent home at the end of the Summer term and in February. Internal assessments are carried out termly once the children have entered the Pre-Prep. Base assessments are carried out ½ termly on the Nursery children.
Exam week is in the Summer Term.
Subjects on our Curriculum
After School Club Activities
Children are expected to behave well and are positively encouraged to do so. Discipline from staff is firm but fair. Pupils are taught the principles of correct conduct and are encouraged to be truthful, obedient and to develop a caring attitude towards each other and their environment.
If your child is absent from school, please inform us, in writing, of the reason. A morning telephone call is also helpful for us. If your child becomes unwell at school they will be cared for until you or a carer is contacted and the child is collected.
The School considers homework to be of great importance as it gives you and your child some time together, to see their educational developments. Homework should be enjoyable and not a chore. A class teacher will give you guidance and advice on the length of activities. We expect children to read to their parents in the evening. In addition Year 1 will have weekly spellings, Year 2 will have times-tables and occasional extra work. Once in the Preparatory class, the aforementioned homework is given plus research, projects, English, Maths and French.
All children participate in a varied programme of Physical Education. Nursery children have music and movement, P.E. and swimming each week. Children in the upper school have two lessons weekly, one of P.E. and one of games in addition to their swimming lesson. We aim to increase the children's physical ability and channel their energies into useful and creative activities. We help them to increase mobility, strength, stamina and endurance and to develop a general feeling of well-being. Once in the Prep. Class, children extend and develop the basic skills, including rugby, football, tennis basketball, hockey and cricket. They are given the opportunity to use their new found skills in small-side versions of the games. The School also has links with several sports clubs in the Newquay area.
Pupils who need extra help in English and Maths have individual lessons with the Principal during the week.
Wheelgate House School has 2 Houses, Brunnel & Trevithick. The children are awarded points for good work and good deeds, to encourage our pupils to work hard and help their peers.
Navy trousers,
Red poloneck top
Navy shorts,
Red polo shirt
All Year
Navy cardigan or jumper,
Navy socks,
Black or blue shoes
Navy skirt or pinafore,
Red poloneck top
Blue & white striped dress
All Year
Navy cardigan or jumper,
Navy socks or tights
Winter Navy trousers,
Long-sleeve white shirt
Navy short trousers,
Short-sleeve white shirt
All Year
Red tie,
Navy cardigan or jumper,
Navy socks,
Cap with School badge,
Blazer with School badge,
Black or blue shoes
Navy skirt or pinafore,
Long-sleeve white shirt,
Red tie
Blue & white striped dress,
Straw boater
All Year
Navy cardigan or jumper,
Navy socks or tights,
Beret with School badge,
Blazer with School badge,
Black or blue shoes
Navy shorts. Red T-shirt. Short white socks. Pull-on black plimsolls.
Navy tracksuit. Trainers. Swimming suits / trunks. Towel.
Overalls or boiler suit. Wellington boots. Art apron.
N.B. Caps and hats are bought through the School. Nursery children do not have to have a blazer, but a Navy coat or jacket should be worn.
Nursery Class : (under five's)
2 sessions per day at
9.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. & 12.30 - 3.30 p.m.        £8.50 per session
Missed sessions have to be paid for, but alternative sessions can be arranged.
Swimming - £2.00 per week or £25.00 per term
3 & 4 Year Olds - We receive a grant for all 4 year olds. This entitles them to 5 free mornings a week. We also offer a limited number of grant assisted places for 3 year olds. Please enquire.
Pre-Prep. & Prep. :(5years and over)
Session fees are paid at the nursery rate until statutory school age when the Pre-Prep. fee becomes payable.
9.00 a.m. - 3.15 p.m.         £875.00 per term
            Swimming included
NB: For full details of ancillary charges, bursaries & scholarships, please see "terms & conditions".
School lunches - £1.35 payable weekly or termly.
All fees are payable termly, in advance or by standing order.   
Arrangements can be made to pay monthly.
The Trustees wish to stress that a surcharge of 4% above Lloyds Bank base rate will be implemented on fees that remain outstanding after the beginning of term, unless alternative arrangements have been made with the Principal.
Fees and Charges
For current fees and charges see the separate fee sheet, which forms a part of these terms and conditions. Fees are payable, in advance, or monthly by arrangement only. A surcharge is levied on all overdue accounts at the annual rate of 4% above Lloyds Bank base rate for the time being.
In the unlikely event of a pupil being expelled or suspended from school, no fees will be refundable. The school aims to give one half term's written notice of any fee increase, but reserve the right to increase fees at shorter notice if this is unavoidable.
Registration Fee
A non-refundable fee is charged for each pupil at the time of registration to cover administration costs.
Acceptance Fee
If a place is offered, a fee is payable on acceptance. The fee is only refundable on taking up the place and is deductible from the first term's account.
Family Discounts
Second and subsequent siblings of pupils are allowed a discount of 5%. Discounts only apply to full standard fee payers.
Damage to School Property
Where damage is caused to school property through a pupil's negligence or wanton act, the full cost of repair or replacement will be charged to individual accounts.
Insurance Against Accidents
The school only accepts responsibility for damage or loss of personal effects where the school is held liable in law for negligence.
Assisted Places
At each intake, one place is offered at a reduced rate.
Please apply to the Principal if you think your child may be eligible.
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